3.3 Patches/Updates

v3.3 July 26, 2018

Changed: Base mana regen

Old Base: 0.5/sec

New Base: 1/sec

Added: Music

Short instrumental music for Good, Evil and Neutral (with and without Proof of Neutrality) alignments.

Goblin Invasion: New feat with new reward

Added: 25 Building Upgrades

Requirements: Reach 18000 of each building to get its upgrade.

Added: 12 Allegiances Trophies

Requirements: A2, Level 30 Lineage for each faction and buy all it's faction upgrades.

Added: 3 Artifacts

Effect: Unlocks A2 Tier 2 Spells

Coin Cost: 123 Qaq (1.23e125) Emerald coins

FC Cost: 1 Oc (1e27) good/evil faction coins of the alignment and dwarf/drow

Oil Lamp

Hint: Chaos magic burns brightly.

Description: Rub it, polish it. And remember to express your desires precisely, lest you want to face dire consequences.

Requirements: R120+, Proof of Chaos

Chance: (min(x, y, z) / 1000 days)%, where x is Fairy Chanting spell activity time, y is Hellfire Blast spell activity time, and z is Brainwave spell activity time (all time).

Effect: Unlocks Tier 2 Maelstrom

Lantern of Guidance

Hint: Massive mana flows can offer guidance.

Description: Follow the guiding light, o wonderer, for it shall bring you fortune.

Requirements: R120+, Proof of Order

Chance: (x / 10,000,000,000 (10B))%, where x is mana regen.

Effect: Unlocks Tier 2 Temporal Flux

Spark of Life

Hint: The power of Creation may spark something new.

Description: The spark of Creation, dimly shining from the bottom of its encasing crystal.

Requirements: R120+, Proof of Balance

Chance: (ln(1 + x) ^ 2 / 12000)%, where x is FC collected this game.

Effect: Unlocks Tier 2 All Creation

Added: Advanced Heritages for each faction

Requirements: A2, Lineage Level 30 and buying all upgrades of that faction and 8 hours activity time (This Game) of that Faction's spell

When using their lineage, Advanced Heritage powers are multiplied by the level of the lineage.

Formula: (1 + 0.3 * level)

Advanced Fairy Heritage

Cost: 7.5 Oc (7.5e27) Fairy Coins

Effect: Gain assistants based on amount of Farms, Inns and Blacksmiths (additive).

Formula: (2 * (x + y + z) ^ 0.8), where x is amount of Farms, y is amount Inns and z is amount Blacksmiths.

Advanced Elven Heritage

Cost: 7.5 Oc (7.5e27) Elven Coins

Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance based on the amount of clicks made in this Reincarnation.

Formula: (0.3 * ln(1 + x) ^ 1.5)%, where x is amount of clicks this reincarnation.

Advanced Angelic Heritage

Cost: 7.5 Oc (7.5e27) Angel Coins

Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on the amount of spells cast in this game.

Formula: (2.5 * x ^ 0.25)%, where x is spells cast this game.

Advanced Goblin Heritage

Cost: 7.5 Oc (7.5e27) Goblin Coins

Effect: Tax Collections are worth more seconds of production based on Gems owned. (multiplicative).

Formula: (0.25 * log10(1 + x) ^ 0.95), where x is gems owned.

Advanced Undead Heritage

Cost: 7.5 Oc (7.5e27) Undead Coins

Effect: Assistants count more based on your Offline Bonus.

Formula: (0.018 * log10(1 + x) ^ 2)%, where x is offline bonus.

Advanced Demonic Heritage

Cost: 7.5 Oc (7.5e27) Demon Coins

Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on trophies unlocked.

Formula: (0.25 * x ^ 0.75)%, where x is amount of trophies unlocked.

Advanced Titan Heritage

Cost: 7.5 Oc (7.5e27) Angel and Goblin Coins

Effect: Increase maximum mana based on the amount of Royal Exchanges purchased.

Formula: (0.05 * ln(x) ^ 1.5), where x is Royal Exchanges purchased.

Advanced Druid Heritage

Cost: 7.5 Oc (7.5e27) Elven and Demon Coins

Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance based on the sum of all your spells durations.

Formula: (0.01 * x ^ 0.85)%, where x is the sum of all your spell durations.

Advanced Faceless Heritage

Cost: 7.5 Oc (7.5e27) Fairy and Undead Coins

Effect: Gain assistants based on the amount of Unique Buildings owned (additive).

Formula: (2.5 * x ^ 0.8), where x is Unique Buildings owned.

Advanced Dwarven Heritage

Cost: 7.5 Oc (7.5e27) Dwarven Coins

Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of excavations and excavation resets. (This R).

Formula: (0.01 * x ^ (0.85 + 0.01 * y)), where x is excavations and y is excavation resets this R (ruby and free resets).

Advanced Drow Heritage

Cost: 7.5 Oc (7.5e27) Drow Coins

Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on offline bonus and time spent in this game.

Formula: (0.0008 * log10(1 + x) * y ^ 0.8), where x offline bonus and y is time spent this game.

Advanced Dragon Heritage

Cost: 7.5 Oc (7.5e27) Dwarven and Drow Coins

Effect: The amount of active spells counts 5% more for all purposes.

Added: 1 Secret Trophy

Faction Ruler

Requirements: Unlock all the Advanced Heritages

Cost: 120 Notg (1.2e122)

Effect: Double Advanced Heritage powers if they match any of your alignments (cumulative).

Secret Upgrade Changes


Old Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 1.337%

New Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 13.37%, No A nerf


Old Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 1.11111111%

New Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 11.11111111%, No A nerf

Grand Diplomat

Old Effect: Increase your chance to find Faction Coins by an additional 1%

New Effect: Increase your chance to find Faction Coins by an additional 2%

Faction Grinder

Old Effect: Increase your chance to find Faction Coins by additional 1%

New Effect: Increase your chance to find Faction Coins by additional 2%

Glho kohhl snod

Old Effect: Increase base clicking reward by 1

New Effect: Increase base clicking reward by 50%, no A-nerf

Suggestion Master

Effect: Increase the production of all buildings base on mysterious events.

Formula: hotfix.patch%, where hotfix and patch are the 4th and 3rd elements of the game's version number.

Old Formula: (a.b.c.d) (0.01 * d + c)%

New Formula: (10 * b) + a + (0.1 * d) * (0.01 * c)%, no A-nerf

Quest Changes

Burning Abyss Quest Burning Abyss Quest

Old Requirement: 160 seconds long Call to Arms.

New Requirement: 120 seconds long Call to Arms.

Faction Upgrade Changes


Plagued Buildings (UD 2,3)

Old Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by an additional 50% per hour of playtime in this game.

New Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by an additional 75% per hour of playtime in this game.

Dead Fields (UD 3,1)

Effect: Each assistants increases the production of all buildings based on the amount of Assistants and Necropolises you own.

OldFormula: (0.02 * x * y), where x is Assistants and y is Necropolises you own

New Formula: (0.03 * x * y), where x is Assistants and y is Necropolises you own

Tireless Workers (UD 3,2)

Old Effect: Increase the production of assistants by 1000%.

New Formula: Increase the production of assistants by 1500%


Dimension Door (FC 4,3)

Effect: Increase Unique Building production based on highest max mana this reincarnation.

Old Formula: (0.013 * x ^ 0.7), where x is highest max mana this R.

New Formula: (0.013 * x ^ 0.67), where x is highest max mana this R.


Natural Recycling (DD 1,3)

Old Effect: Increase Faction Coin find chance additively and multiplicatively based on the amount of the least productive building you own.

New Effect: Increase Faction Coin find chance additively and multiplicatively based on the amount of the total buildings you own.

Formula: (x ^ 0.35), where x is total buildings you own. (additively and multiplicatively)


Crystal Servants (DW 4,3) (Upgrade 12)

Effect: Multiplicatively gain assistants based on current gem amount.

Old Formula: (0.75 * (log10(x) ^ 2), where x is amount of current gems.

New Formula: (5 * log10(x) ^ 1.5), where x is amount of current gems.

Union Changes

Druids Union

Effect: Increase the production of Non-Unique buildings based on your total Lineage level and the maximum amount of Grand Balance targets.

Old Formula: ((x * y) / 2.5), where x is total Lineage levels and y is amount of buildings targeted by Grand Balance.

New Formula: (5 * ((x * y) / 2.5)), where x is total Lineage levels and y is amount of buildings targeted by Grand Balance.

Undead Union

Effect: Increase the production of Unique Buildings based on your Offline Bonus.

Old Formula: (10 * log10(1 + x) ^ 2), where x is offline bonus multiplier.

New Formula: (75 * log10(1 + x) ^ 2.25), where x is offline bonus multiplier.

Dragon Union

Chaos Dragon Union

Old Formula: FC chance

New Formula: log10(FC chance)

Old Effect: Increase the production of Unique or Non-Unique buildings based on the amount of assistants you own. Target buildings depend FC chance (even for Unique, odd for Non-Unique).

New Effect: Increase the production of Unique or Non-Unique buildings based on the amount of assistants you own. Target buildings depend log10(FC chance) (even for Unique, odd for Non-Unique).

Old Formula: Non-Unique (25 * 0.6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is FC chance.

New Formula: Non-Unique (25 * 0.58 * x ^ 0.58), where x is FC chance.

Old Formula: Unique (0.6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is FC chance.

New Formula: Unique (0.58 * x ^ 0.58), where x is FC chance.

Order Dragon Union

Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on time spent as Order.

Old Formula: (1.6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is time spent this Order.

New Formula: (1.65 * x ^ 0.65), where x is time spent this Order.

Dwarven Union

Chaos Dwarven Union

Effect: Chaotically Multiplicatively increase assistant count based on spells cast this R.

Old Formula: (y = floor(log10(1 + x) + 1) / 10 + 2), for each digit of x, sum(2 * (mod(x,10) ^ y)

New Formula: (y = floor(log10(1 + x) + 1) / 10 + 2), for each digit of x, 2 * sum(mod(x,10) ^ y) ^ 0.9

Drow Union

Balance Drow Union

Effect: Multiplicatively Increase max mana based on Tax Collections cast this game.

Old Formula: (0.1 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2.8), where x is Tax Collections cast this game.

New Formula: (0.07 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2.7), where x is Tax Collections cast this game.

Challenge Upgrade Changes

Fairy Challenge 1

Pixie Mischief</p> Pixie Mischief

Effect: You gain assistants based on the amount of Fairy affiliated (faction upgrades, heritage, bloodline, research) upgrades you own.

Old Formula: (x ^ 1.75), where x is amount of Fairy affiliated upgrades.

New Formula: (0.35 * x ^ 1.75), where x is amount of Fairy affiliated upgrades.

Goblin Challenge 1

Discount Season

Old Effect: Goblin (3,3) Green Fingers Discount triggers every 8 minutes.

New Effect: Goblin (3,3) Green Fingers Discount triggers every 2 minutes.

Goblin Challenge 3

Smuggled Jewels

Old Effect: Increase production bonus from Gems by 0.005% for each upgrade purchased.

New Effect: Increase production bonus from Gems by 0.01% for each upgrade purchased.

Undead Challenge 1

Deadly Impatience

Old Effect: Undead Heritage works 1000% faster.

New Effect: Undead Heritage works 5000% faster.

Druid Challenge 1

Silent Assistance

Effect: Animal Companions (1,2) works faster

Old Formula: floor((sqrt(1 + 16 * x) - 1) / 2), where x is your Playtime (This Game) stat in hours.

Old Formula: 1.1547x

New Formula: floor((sqrt(1 + 120 * x) - 1) / 2), where x is your Playtime (This Game) stat in hours.

New Formula: 3.1622x

Druid challenge 4

Overflowing Mana

Old Effect: All spell durations increased by 1% for every 1,500 max mana.

New Effect: All spell durations increased based on max mana.

New Formula: (0.005 * x ^ 0.85), where x is max mana.

Dragon Challenge 6

Dracomet Vault

Effect: Production bonus from Gems is multiplicatively increased over time based on the amount of artifacts you own. Resets on Abdications.

Old Formula: (0.002 * x * (y / 60) ^ 0.7), where x is artfiact found and y is time this game in seconds.

New Formula: (0.01 * x * (y / 60) ^ 0.7), where x is artfiact found and y is time this game in seconds.

Unique Building Changes

Effect: Increase production based on mana regen.

Old Formula: (2 * x ^ 0.6), where x is mana regen per second.

New Formula: (35 * x ^ 0.65), where x is mana regen per second.

Spell Changes

All spell durations are now capped to 10000x their base duration.

Maelstrom click formula

Old Clicks Formula: (0.075 * (log10(1 + x)) ^ 2.5)%, where x is clicks this game.

New Clicks Formula: (0.075 * (log10(1 + x)) ^ 2.75)%, where x is clicks this game.

Effect: Multiplicatively increase Mana Regeneration based on time spent in this game.

Old Formula: (5 * (x/60) ^ 0.7)%, where x is time in seconds this game.

New Formula: (3.2 * (x/60) ^ 0.82))%, where x is time in seconds this game.

Lineage Changes

Fairy Lineage

Fairy Lineage base

Old Effect: Makes Farms, Inns and Blacksmiths count 15% more per Lineage level.

New Effect: Makes Farms, Inns and Blacksmiths count 18% more per Lineage level.

Fairy Perk 1

Effect: Makes Fairy Bloodline affect Hall of Legends.

Effect: Also reduces Fairy Bloodline Post Ascension nerf.

Old Formula: 250 * ((a ^ 0.9) ^5)

New Effect: Fairy Bloodline also effects Hall of Legends and removes 1 ascenion penalty.

New Formula: 250 * (a ^ 0.9), A1 nerf removed


Old Effect: Effect: Adds 10% mana regeneration per level.

New Effect: Effect: Adds 7% mana regeneration per level.

Angel Perk 3

Effect: Increase God's Hand bonus based on Unique Buildings owned.

Old Formula: (25000 * (x / 1000))%, Unique Buildings.(rounded down to nearest 1000)

New Formula: (12000 * (x / 1000))%, Unique Buildings.(rounded down to nearest 1000)

Angel Perk 4

Old Effect: When God's Hand is active, increase max mana by 100%.

New Effect: When God's Hand is active, increase max mana by 50%.

Goblin Perk 3

Old Effect: Unique Building's base production increased by 2% for every 650 Unique Buildings.

New Effect: Unique Building's base production increased by 3% for every 650 Unique Buildings.

Set Changes

Titan Set

Effect: Increase Unique building production based on time spent this game.

Old Formula: (0.07 * x ^ 0.7), where x is seconds.

New Formula: (0.5 * x ^ 0.7), where x is seconds.

Druid Set

Effect: Increase production of all buildings based on their quantity.

Old Formula: (0.65 * x ^ 0.65), where x is building count.

New Formula: (0.75 * x ^ 0.75), where x is building count.

Faceless Set

Effect: Increase production of all buildings based on highest amount of spells cast in a single game.

Old Formula: (0.32 * x ^ 0.32), where x is number of spells cast.

New Formula: (0.32 * x ^ 0.28), where x is number of spells cast.

v3.2 May 16, 2018


Setting 8 spells set with same autocast now working

Bunny Helper


Ancestral Hourglass

Effect: Lower cost of Lineage level based on time spent this game.FC cost is reset when you purchase a new lineage level.

Old Formula: (x ^ (1 - 0.01 * ((y ^ 1.1) - z / 5)) / 10), where x is hours this game, y is lineage level and z is reincarnations.

New Formula: (x ^ (0.9 - 0.01 * (((y - 20) ^ 1.4) - z / 4)) / 10), where x is hours this game, y is lineage level and z is reincarnations.

Lineage Cost Formula: (25 * 10 ^ (8 + level - hourglass.formula)) ^ 0.9 (if ancient heirloom).

Holy Frenzy

Effect: While Blood Frenzy or Holy Light are active, increase the production of all buildings.

Old Formula: (50 * T ^ 2)

New Formula: (250 * T ^ 2)

Research: C1300 - Scintillation

Old Effect: Increase production bonus from gems based on maximum mana.

Old Formula: (2 * x^0.4), where x is max mana

New Effect: Increase production of buildings based on max mana and gem bonus.

New Formula: ((250 * x ^ 0.5) / y ^ 0.95), where x is max mana and y is total bonus from gem bonus upgrades

Artifact Set Changes

Demon Set

Requirement: A2+

Artifacts Required: Demonic Figurine, Demon Horn, Crystallized Lava

Cost: Free

Effect: Increase non unique building production based on the sum of your faction spells activity time.

Old Formula: (0.25 * x ^ 0.75), where x is faction spell activity time.

New Formula: (0.4 * x ^ 0.75), where x is faction spell activity time.

Undead Set

Effect: Additively Increase max mana based on offline bonus.

Old Formula: (35 * log10(1 + x) ^ 3.25), where x is offline Multiplier.

New Formula: (9 * ln(1 + x) ^3), where x is offline Multiplier.

Goblin Set

Effect: Multiplicatively increase gathered faction coins based on time spent this game if they don't match faction or bloodline.

Old Formula: (0.01 * x ^ 0.7), where x is time spent this game.

New Formula: (0.1 * x ^ 0.7 ), where x is time spent this game.

Angel Set

Effect: Increase mana regen based on spells cast this game.

Old Formula: (0.32 * x ^ 0.32), where x is spells cast.

New Formula: (0.35 * x ^ 0.35), where x is spells cast.

Titan Set

Requirement: A2+

Artifacts Required: Huge Titan Statue, Titan Shield, Titan Helmet

Cost: Free

Effect: Increase Unique building production based on time spent this game.

Old Formula: (0.07 * x ^ 0.7), where x is seconds.

New Formula: (0.09 * x ^ 0.7), where x is seconds.

Added Base Union Effects

Angels Union Angels Union

Effect Requirement: R111+

Added Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the sum of your mana regeneration and mana produced in this game.

Formula: (ln(x) ^ 1.8 + ln(y) ^ 2.1), where x is mana spent this game and y is mana regeneration.

Undead Union Undead Union

Effect Requirement: R111+

Added Effect: Increase the production of Unique Buildings based on your Offline Bonus.

Formula: (10 * log10(1 + x) ^ 2), where x is offline bonus multiplier.

Titans Union Titans Union

Effect Requirement: R111+

Added Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance by 5% per hour spent in this game.

Fairies Union Fairies Union

Effect Requirement: R111+

Added Effect: Increase assistant production based on amount of Enchanted Fields, Inns and Blacksmiths if building count is even, or all other buildings if building count is odd.

Formula: (15 * x ^ 0.475), where x is Enchanted Fields, Inns and Blacksmiths (If building count is even)

Formula: (15 * x ^ 0.475), where x is T4-T11 Buildings (If building count is odd)

Demons Union Demons Union

Effect Requirement: R111+

Added Effect: 1% of all Non-Evil spells cast in this game count as Evil.

Faceless Union Faceless Union

Effect Requirement: R111+

Added Effect: Increase assistants based on the amount of time spent as a random faction. Updates every 3 minutes.

Formula: (50 * x ^ 0.5), where x is random faction all time in seconds.

Elven Union Elven Union

Effect Requirement: R111+

Added Effect: Increase click production based on faction coins found in this Reincarnation.

Formula: (2 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2.5), where x is faction coins found in this Reincarnation.

Goblins Union Goblin Union

Effect Requirement: R111+

Added Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on spells cast in this game.

Formula: (0.4 * x ^ 0.4), where x is spells cast in this game.

Druids Union Druids Union

Effect Requirement: R111+

Added Effect: Increase the production of Non-Unique buildings based on your total Lineage level and the maximum amount of Grand Balance targets.

Formula: ((x * y) / 2.5), where x is total Lineage levels and y is amount of buildings targeted by Grand Balance.

Union Upgrade Changes


Pheromones Pheromones

Fairy Upgrade 11

Cost: 10 Spvg (1e80) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Fairies Union

Effect: Gain assistants based on time spent affiliated with Fairies. (This R)

Old Formula: (0.7 * x ^ 0.7), where x is time spent affiliated with Fairies. (This R)

New Formula: (1.5 * x ^ 0.75), where x is time spent affiliated with Fairies. (This R)

Dream Catchers Dream Catchers

Fairy Upgrade 12

Cost: 10 Dtg (1e95) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Fairies Union

Effect: multiplicative increase mana regen by a random amount. Grows additively every 30 minutes (starts at 0% on upgrade bought)

Old Formula: Every 30 minutes, ((upgrade bonus) + rand(0.5, 5))% (averages out to 132% per day).

New Formula: Every 30 minutes, ((upgrade bonus) + rand(1.5 - 7.5))% (averages out to 216% per day).


Eternal Servitude

Undead Upgrade 12

Cost: 10 Dtg (1e95) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Undead Union

Effect: Increase base production of Undercity by +10000, then increase this effect based on time spent this game.

Old Formula: (10000 + 25 * (x / 1800) ^ 2), where x is seconds this game.

New Formula: (10000 + 75 * (x / 1800) ^ 2), where x is seconds this game.


Lunar Cycle Lunar Cycle

Druid Upgrade 11

Cost: 10 Spvg (1e80) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Druids Union

Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the difference between time spent online and offline in this game. Maximum bonus is granted for the smallest difference.

Old Formula: (x + y) ^0.65 * ( 1 / (1 + abs(x - y) ) ) ^0.25, where x is time this game in seconds and y is offline time this game in seconds.

New Formula: (x + y) ^ 0.65 * (1 / (1 + abs(x - 2y))) ^ 0.25, where x is time this game in seconds and y is offline time this game in seconds.

Grove Farming Grove Farming

Druid Upgrade 12

Cost: 10 Dtg (1e95) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Druids Union

Old Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on their tier. Lower tiers get better bonuses.

Old Formula: (10 * (11 - T) ^ 3), where T is building tier.

New Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on their tier. Middle tiers get better bonuses.

New Formula: (0.75 * ((6 - abs(6 - T)) ^ 5), where T is building tier.


Wooden Dices Wooden Dice

Elf Upgrade 10

Cost: 1 Nod (1e60) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Elven Union

Effect: Increase Elven Luck chance to activate and its effects based on the amount of Arboreal Cities you own.

Elven Luck Formula: (x ^ 0.3), where x is Arboreal Cities count.

Old Production Formula: (7 * x ^ 0.7), where x is Arboreal Cities count.

New Production Formula: (8 * x ^ 0.8), where x is Arboreal Cities count.

Old Faction Coin Formula: (1.5 * x ^ 0.7), where x is Arboreal Cities count.

New Faction Coin Formula: (1.45 * x ^ 0.7), where x is Arboreal Cities count.

Camouflage Camouflage

Elf Upgrade 11

Cost: 10 Spvg (1e80) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Elven Union

Effect: Assistants count 1000% more for all purposes and increase assistant production based on assistant amount.

Old Formula: (0.68 * x ^ 0.68), where x is assistant amount.

New Formula: (0.7 * x ^ 0.7), where x is assistant amount.

Note: Applies to formulas that use Assistant count, but not actual assistants.

Elven Discipline Elven Discipline

Elf Upgrade 12

Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Elven Union

Old Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on the amount of Faction Coins found in this game.

Old Formula: (ln(x))

New Effect: Increase mana regeneration additively and multiplicatively based on the amount of Faction Coins found in this game.

New Formula: (100 * ln(x) ^ 1.5), where x is Faction Coins found in this game.(additively)

New Formula: (1.45 * ln(x)), where x is Faction Coins found in this game.(multiplicatively)


Colossus Kingdom Colossus Kingdom

Titan Upgrade 12

Cost: 10 Dtg (1e95) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Titan Union

Old Effect: Additively gain assistants based on total time spent as Order.

New Effect: Multiplicative gain assistants based on total time spent as Order.

Old Formula: (x ^ 0.7), where x is seconds this R.

New Formula: (20 * x ^ 0.7), where x is seconds this R.


Devastation Devastation

Demon Upgrade 12

Cost: 100 Tg (1e95) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Demons Union

Effect: Increase production of three highest building tiers based on mana regen.

Old Formula: (0.35 * x ^ 0.65), where x is mana regen.

Old Formula: (0.35 * x ^ 0.6), where x is mana regen.

Unique Building Changes

Swarming Towers

Upgrade Wizard Towers to Swarming Towers, boosting their production based on the amount of active spells and unlocking more unique perks for the building.

Effect: Increase production based on the amount of active spells.

Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.

Old Formula: (0.35*x^2.35)%, where x is active spells.

New Formula: (0.4 * x ^ 2.4)%, where x is active spells.

Added: 1 Trophy

Art of the Crow Trophy

Requirement: Have any 6 complete Faction Artifact Sets.

Effect: Gives upgrade with the same name.

Art of the Crow Upgrade

Requirement: Faction and Set Alignments has to match to buy the upgrade (Evil, Good, Neutral).

Cost: 1 Qavg (1.0e75)


       Proof of Order

Effect: Multiplicatively increase max mana.

        Proof of Chaos

Effect: Multiplicatively increase assistants.

       Proof of Balance

Balance: Multiplicatively increase mana regeneration.

Good Effect: The amount increased is based on Excavations made.

Formula: (0.05 * x ^ 1.1), where x is excavation count.

Evil Effect: The amount increased is based on time spent in this game.

Formula: (4 * x ^ 0.44), where x is time spent this game.

Neutral Effect: The amount increased is based on Royal Exchanges made

Formula: (0.8 * x ^ 0.8), where x royal exchanges made.

Added: 3 Artifacts for Prestige Factions


Beard Hair

Description: Hopefully coming from a real dwarven beard.

Requirement: R116+, 3000+ Excavations, Play as Dwarf

Chance: (x / 100000000 (100M))%, where x is assistant count


Poison Vial

Description: One drop of this is enough to fell thousands of non-immune creatures.

Requirement: R116+, 3000+ Excavations, Play as Drow

Chance: (x / 10000000 (10M))%, where x is combo strike production bonus


Dragon Scale

Description: Very high on the realms' most accurate hardiness rankings.

Requirement: R116+, 3000+ Excavations, Play as Dragon

Chance: (x / 2500)%, where x is active spells

Added: 3 Artifacts Sets for Prestige Factions

Dwarven Set

Requirement: R116+

Artifacts Required: Dwarven Bow, Stone Tankard, Beard Hair

Cost: Free

Effect: Increase assistants based on your Royal Exchange bonus.

Formula: (x ^ 0.9), where x is Royal Exchange bonus.

Drow Set

Requirement: R116+

Artifacts Required: Ceremonial Dagger, Arachnid Figurine, Poison Vial

Cost: Free

Effect: Increase offline production based on evil spells cast (this R).

Formula: (0.75 * x ^0.75 ), where x is total evil spells cast (this R).

Dragon Set

Requirement: R116+

Artifacts Required: Dragon Fang, Dragon Soul, Dragon Scale

Cost: Free

Effect: Increase the production of Non-Unique buildings based on Faction Coins found in this game.

Formula: (16 * log10(1 + x) ^ 2), where x is Faction Coins found.

Added: Prestige Factions


Brothel Quest

Description: Yawn... Kivvil, your realm is starting to bore us. We need better places to have fun and Rest. Show us your spellcasting ability and we'll teach you a few new things about underworld fun.

Requirement: 1 B (1e9) spells cast this game

Cost: 100 Vg (1e65)

Effect: Unlocks 2nd Unique Building for Drow

Brothel Upgrade

Cost: 100 Qivg (1e80)

Effect: Upgrade Inns to Brothels, boosting their production based on Royal Exchanges made and unlocking more unique perks for the buildings.

Formula: (10 * x ^1.05), where x is royal exchanges this game

Drow Unique Building

Drow Union

Cost: 1e24 Drow coins

Effect: Unlocks Union Upgrades

Other Effects

Proof of Order: Increase offline bonus based on max mana.

Formula: (0.1 * x ^ 0.85), where x is max mana

Proof of Balance: Multiplicatively Increase max mana based on Tax Collections cast this game.

Formula: (0.1 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2.8), where x is Tax Collections cast this game.

Proof of Chaos: Increase the production of a specific building tier depending on building amount, and increase its production based on time spent offline this reincarnation.

Formula: (6 * x ^0.6 building chosen (tier): 1 + floor(x % 11)

Union Upgrades

Spider Clerics

Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100)

Effect: Increase Royal Exchange bonus based on Brothel amount.

Formula: (1.75 * x ^ 0.75), where x is Brothels

Ancillae Obscurae

Cost: 100 Qitg (1e110)

Effect: Increase Non-Unique building production based on amount of Unique Buildings.

Formula: (45 * x ^ 0.45), where x is amount of Unique Buildings.

Crystal Servants

Cost: 1 Notg (1e120)

Effect: Multiplicatively gain assistants based on current gem amount.

Formula: (log10(x) ^ 2), where x is amount of current gems.


High Bastion Quest

Description: Aye lad! Yer castle looks solid, but we think we can do better, yes? Excavate to yer best and then again from the start, we'll have a deal.

Requirement: 5 free excav resets this R

Cost: 100 Vg (1e65)

Effect: Unlocks 2nd Unique Building for Dwarf

High Bastion Upgrade

Cost: 100 Qivg (1e80)

Effect: Upgrade Royal Castles to High Bastions, boosting their production based on clicks made in this reincarnation and unlocking more unique perks for the building.

Formula: (ln(1 + x) ^ 2), where x is clicks this R

Dwarf Unique Building

Dwarven Union

Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Dwarven coins

Effect: Unlock Union Upgrades.

Other Effects

Proof of Order: Increase all building production based on time spent this reincarnation.

Formula: (0.65 * x ^ 0.65), where x is time spent this reincarnation.

Proof of Balance: Increase mana regen based on clicks made this reincarnation.

Formula: (ln(1 + x) ^ 2.45), where x is amount of clicks made this game.

Proof of Chaos: Chaotically Multiplicatively increase assistant count based on spells cast this R.

Formula: (y = floor(log10(1 + x) + 1) / 10 + 2, for each digit of x, sum(2 * (mod(x,10) ^ y)


Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100)

Effect: Multiplicatively increase gem production based on High Bastion you own.

Formula: (1.55 * x ^ 0.55), where x is royal castles multiplicative.


Cost: 100 Qitg (1e110)

Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the highest between max mana and mana regeneration.

Formula: (0.055 * max(x, y) ^ 0.55), where x is max mana and y is mana regen.

Refined Minerals

Cost: 1 Notg (1e120)

Effect: Multiplicatively increase mana regen and max mana based on highest time spent as Order, Balance or Chaos.

Formula: (0.03 * max(x, y ,z) ^ 0.7), where x is order time, y is balance time, and z is chaos time (All in seconds this R).


Dragon Pasture Quest

Description: Insignificant creature, you have much to do to gain our full respect. Our hatchlings need more food... yes, this would be a task worthy of your stature. Show your ability to maintain powerful magic at the same time, and we will let you serve us.

Requirement: 42 active spells

Cost: 1e65

Effect: Unlocks 2nd Unique Building for Dragon

Dragon Pasture Upgrade

Cost: 1e80

Effect: Upgrade Farm to Dragon Pastures, boosting their production based on your max mana and unlocking more unique perks for the building.

Formula: (0.65 * x ^ 0.65), where x is your max mana.

Dragon Unique Building

Dragon Union

Cost: 100 Sp (1e26) Dwarven and Drow coins

Effect: Unlock Union Upgrades.

Other Effects

Proof of Order: Increase the production of all buildings based on time spent as Order.

Formula: (1.6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is time spent this Order.

Proof of Balance: Multiplicatively increase max mana based on your current Lineage level.

Formula: (1.3 * x ^ 1.3), where x is Lineage level.

Proof of Chaos: Increase the production of Unique or Non-Unique buildings based on the amount of assistants you own. Target buildings depend FC chance(even for Unique, odd for Non-Unique).

Formula: Non-Unique (25 * 0.6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is FC chance.

Formula: Unique (0.6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is FC chance.

Fang Food

Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100)

Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on the amount of Dragon Pastures you own.

Formula: (0.65 * x ^ 0.65), where x is Dragon Pastures you own.

Wyrm's Rest

Cost: 100 Qitg (1e110)

Effect: Gain assistants based on the amount of time spent as Dragon this Reincarnation.

Formula: (15 * x ^ 0.65), where x is time spent as Dragon this Reincarnation.

Draconic Supremacy

Cost: 1 Notg (1e120)

Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on your max mana.

Formula: (0.6 * x ^ 0.45), where x is max mana.

v3.1.1 March 26, 2018

New Easter Feat: With new reward

Hourglass: Formula changed

Old Formula: (x ^ (1 - 0.01 * ((y ^ 1.01) - z / 5) / 10), where x is hours this game (reset when upgrading lineage), y is lineage level and z is reincarnations.

New Formula: (x ^ (1 - 0.01 * ((y ^ 1.1) - z / 5) / 10), where x is hours this game (reset when upgrading lineage), y is lineage level and z is reincarnations.

Undead Set: Formula and Chance changed

Effect: Additively Increase max mana based on offline bonus.

Old Formula: (45 * x ^ 0.6), where x is offline Multiplier.

New Formula: 35 * log10(1 + x) ^ 3.25, where x is offline Multiplier.

Dusty Coffin

Old Chance: ((1 / (30 + x ^ 1.75))%, where x is time this game in seconds.

New Chance: ((1 / (30 + x ^ 1.5))%, where x is time this game in seconds.

Elf artifact Chance changed

Raw Emerald

Old Chance: (((2 * x) ^ 2) / 10000)%, where x is non-ruby excavation resets (this game).

New Chance: (((3 * x) ^ 4.5) / 10000)%, where x is non-ruby excavation resets (this game).

Union Upgrades: Cost changed

Upgrade 11

Old Cost: 10 Spvg (1e85) Emerald Coins

New Cost: 100 Qivg (1e80) Emerald Coins

Upgrade 12

Old Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100) Emerald Coins

New Cost: 100 Tg (1e95) Emerald Coins

v3.1 February 5th, 2018

108th Reincarnation and up

Added: Increase the production of Unique Buildings based on the difference of time spent as their respective faction against your most used faction in this reincarnation.

Formula: (0.07 * (x - y) ^ 0.7, where x is highest faction time and y is faction time of the Unique Building affinity

115th Reincarnation and up

Added: Increase Faction Coins found if they match your Faction, Bloodline or Artifact Set.


Excavations: Free reset if enough times excavated this R 2000 + 50 * R + 500 * x, where x is amount of resets this R


Trophy Map Page

Moved 13 Trophies

Research associated 'Secret Trophies' moved to 'Misc Trophies'

Added 2 Secret Trophies

Holy Frenzy

Requirement: A2+, In a single reincarnation, have a 3 day combined activity time of Holy Light and Blood Frenzy.

Effect: While Blood Frenzy or Holy Light are active, increase the production of all buildings.

Formula: (50 * T ^ 2)

Note: Upgrade scales from Holy Light/Blood Frenzy tiers.

Cost: 100 Dc (1e35)


Requirement: A2+, With no less than 3 days of playtime, have less than 1 minute of playtime difference for Order, Chaos and Balance alignments.

Effect: Increases production of all buildings based on time spent as least used alignment.

Formula: (0.72 * min(x, y, z, s, t, u) ^ 0.72), where x is neutral time, y is good time, z is evil time, s is balance time, t is chaos time, u is order time (All this R in seconds).

Cost: 100 Qid (1e50)

Artifacts Page

Added: 10 Artifacts, 9 that unlock Faction Sets

Changed: 1 Artifact

Wall Chunk Wall Chunk

Description: A bigger piece of the infamous Ascension Wall.

Requirements: R100+

Chance: 10%

Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on their tier.

Cost: 1 Sx (1e21) Emerald Coins

New Formula: 30000 * (11-x) ^ 3.5, where x is building tier.

Old Formula: 100000 * (11-x) ^ 3, where x is building tier.

Added: 10 Artifacts, 9 that unlock Faction Sets

Ancestral Hourglass

Description: The silver sands contained within seem to never stop flowing.

Requirement: R100+

Effect: Lower cost of Lineage level based on time spent this game.FC cost is reset when you purchase a new lineage level.

Formula: ((x / 3600) ^ (1 - 0.01 * ((y ^ 1.01) - z / 5) / 10) where x is seconds this game/since lineage bought, y is lineage level and z is reincarnations.

Lineage Cost Formula: (25 * 10 ^ (15 + level - hourglass.formula)) ^ 0.9 if ancient heirloom

Secret Upgrade Cost: 1 Novg (1e90) Emerald Coins

Chance:: (x / 10000000000000000 (10 QA))%, where x is FC chance.

Silk Cloth

Description: The purest silk made for Fairies, by Fairies, of Fairies.

Requirement: A2+, 3000+ Excavations

Effect: Unlocks Fairy Set.

Chance: (x - 10000) / 200000)%, where x is Wizard Tower.

Fairy Set

Requirement: A2+

Artifacts Required: Silk Cloth, Pink Carrot, Bottled Voice

Cost: Free

Effect: Increase Farm, Inn and Blacksmith production based on number of assistants owned.

Formula: (0.75 * x ^ 0.75), where x is number of assistants owned.

Raw Emerald

Description: Just slightly less precious than a raw Ruby.

Requirement: A2+, 3000+ Excavations

Effect: Unlocks Elven Set.

Chance: ((2 * x ^ 2) / 10000)%, where x is non-ruby excavation resets (this game).

Elven Set

Requirement: A2+

Artifacts Required: Raw Emerald, Lucky Clover, Mini-treasure

Cost: Free

Effect: Increase all building production based on total amount of Elven Lucks triggered (This R)(since unlock).

Formula: (0.66 * x ^ 0.6), where x is amount of Elven Lucks triggered.

Fossilized Wing

Description: The remains of an Angel fallen to earth.

Requirement: A2+, 3000+ Excavations

Effect: Unlocks Angel Set.

Chance: (x / 25920000 (300 days))%, where x is angel time (all time) in seconds.

Angel Set

Requirement: A2+

Artifacts Required: Fossilized Wing, Pillar Fragment, Divine Sword

Cost: Free

Effect: Increase mana regen based on spells cast this game.

Formula: (0.32 * x ^ 0.32), where x is spells cast.

Spiked Whip

Description: Use with caution. You do not want to exterminate all your slaves.

Requirement: A2+, 3000+ Excavations

Effect: Unlocks Goblin Set.

Chance: (x - 10000) / 300000)%, where x is Slave Pens.

Goblin Set

Requirement: A2+

Artifacts Required: Spiked Whip, Ancient Coin Piece, Goblin Purse

Cost: Free

Effect: Multiplicatively increase gathered faction coins based on time spent this game if they don't match faction or bloodline.

Formula: (1 + (0.01 * x ^ 0.7)), where x is seconds.

Note: Ingame tooltip is off by one (actual effect is 1 higher)

Dusty Coffin

Description: Sealed since forever, yet you can hear a strange noise from within.

Requirement: A2+, 3000+ Excavations

Effect: Unlocks Undead Set.

Chance: ((1 / (30 + x ^ 1.75))%, where x is time this game in seconds.

Chance: 1 in 3000 in 0 seconds 1 in 132349 at 60 seconds. 1 in 438078 at 120 seconds.

Undead Set

Requirement: A2+

Artifacts Required: DustyCoffin, Rotten Organ, Jaw Bone

Cost: Free

Effect: Additively Increase max mana based on offline bonus.

Formula: (45 * x ^ 0.6), where x is offline Multiplier.

Crystallized Lava

Description: Incandescent but still. Can be used efficiently as a desk lamp.

Requirement: A2+, 3000+ Excavations

Effect: Unlocks Demon Set.

Chance: (x - 10000) / 200000)%, where x is Hall of Legends.

Demon Set

Requirement: A2+

Artifacts Required: Crystallized Lava, Demonic Figurine, Demon Horn

Cost: Free

Effect: Increase non unique building production based on the sum of your faction spells activity time.

Formula: (0.25 * x ^ 0.75), where x is faction spell activity time.

Titan Helmet

Description: Made of enough metal to craft a human-sized full plate.

Requirement: A2+, 3000+ Excavations

Effect: Unlocks Titan Set.

Chance: ((x ^ 2) / 5000000000 (5B))%, where x is Royal Exchanges.

Titan Set

Requirement: A2+

Artifacts Required: Titan Helmet, Huge Titan Statue, Titan Shield

Cost: Free

Effect: Increase Unique building production based on time spent this game.

Formula: (0.07 * x ^ 0.7), where x is seconds.

Branch of the Life Tree

Description: Despite being torn from its source tree, it keeps growing buds and leaves.

Requirement: A2+, 3000+ Excavations

Effect: Unlocks Druid Set.

Chance: (x ^ 3) / 2000000 (2M))%, where x is level of current lineage.

Druid Set

Requirement: A2+

Artifacts Required: Branch of the Life Tree, Glyph Table, Stone Of Balance

Cost: Free

Effect: Increase production of all buildings based on their quantity.

Formula: (0.65 * x ^ 0.65), where x is building count.

Nightmare Figment

Description: An unshaped, ephemeral substance which is politely trying to corrupt your mind.

Requirement: A2+, 3000+ Excavations

Effect: Unlocks Faceless Set.

Chance: (x ^ 1.5 / 20000000 (20M))%, where x is headstart time in seconds.

Faceless Set

Requirement: A2+

Artifacts Required: Nightmare Figment, Translucent Goo, Octopus-shaped Helmet

Cost: Free

Effect: Increase production of all buildings based on highest amount of spells cast in a single game.

Formula: (0.32 * x ^ 0.32), where x is number of spells cast.

Lineage Page

Added: Level 30 Lineage Perks

Fairy Level 30

FairyPerk3 Fairy Perk 4

Requirement: R105+

Effect: When Fairy Chanting is active, increase assistant amount by 10% every 5 minutes of its duration.

Formula: 10 * Floor (x/300), where x is Fairy Chanting duration in seconds.

Elven Level 30

ElvenPerk3 Elven Perk 4

Requirement: R105+

Effect: When Moon Blessing is active, multiply your Faction Coin chance by 500%.

Angel Level 30

AngelPerk3 Angel Perk 4

Requirement: R105+

Effect: When God's Hand is active, increase max mana by 100%.

Goblin Level 30

GoblinPerk3 Goblin Perk 4

Requirement: R105+

Effect: When Goblin's Greed is active, increase seconds worth of Tax Collections based on assistants owned.

Formula: (0.45 * x ^ 0.45), where x is assistants owned.

Undead Level 30

UndeadPerk3 Undead Perk 4

Requirement: R105+

Effect: When offline, Night Time production is added to offline bonus. Night Time activity time counts 100% more for all purposes.

Demon Level 30

DemonPerk4 Demon Perk 4

Requirement: R105+

Effect: Non-Unique buildings are also targeted by Hellfire Blast.

Titan Level 30

TitalPerk3 Titan Perk 4

Requirement: R105+

Effect: Lightning Strike always hits Unique Buildings in addition to its random target. Unique Buildings are no longer random targets.

Druid Level 30

DruidPerk3 Druid Perk 4

Requirement: R105+

Effect: Increase Grand Balance duration based on assistants owned. Also increase the production of all buildings while Grand Balance is active by 10% every 5 minutes of its duration.

Duration Formula: (0.5 * x ^ 0.5), where x is assistants owned.

Faceless Level 30

FacelessPerk3 Faceless Perk 4

Requirement: R105+

Effect: Brainwave headstart time is increased by 1000%.

Dwarf Level 30

DwarfPerk3 Dwarf Perk 4

Requirement: R105+

Effect: When Diamond Pickaxe is active, increase mana regen based on Faction Coin chance.

Formula: (0 .5 * log10(x + 1) ^ 2.5), where x is Faction Coin chance.

Drow Level 30

DrowPerk4 Drow Perk 4

Requirement: R105+

Effect: Combo Strike's combo bonus increases by 5% per 30 seconds spent this game.

Dragon Level 30

DragonPerk4 Dragon Perk 4

Requirement: R105+

Effect: Activates two breaths per cast.

A2 Page

Changed All Creation, and Elf Union Upgrade

Added 2 new Union upgrades for each faction

All Creation

Cost: 6000 Mana

Effect: Increase production of all buildings based on mana regeneration rate.

Effect: Also multiplicative increase Faction Coin find chance based on your mana regeneration rate.

New Formula: floor(2.5 * x ^ 0.44). where x is mana per second.

Old Formula: floor(2.5 * x ^ 0.5). where x is mana per second.

Wooden Dices Wooden Dice

Cost: 1 Nod (1e60) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Elven Union

Effect: Increase Elven Luck chance to activate and its effects based on the amount of Arboreal Cities you own.

Elven Luck Formula: X ^ 0.3, where x is Arboreal Cities count.

New Production Formula: (7 * x ^ 0.7), where x is Arboreal Cities count.

Old Production Formula: (6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is Arboreal Cities count.

New Faction Coin Formula: (1.5 * x ^ 0.7), where x is Arboreal Cities count.

Old Faction Coin Formula: (x ^ 0.7), where x is Arboreal Cities count.


Heaven's Brilliance Heaven's Brilliance

Cost: 1 Nod (1e60) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Angels Union

Effect: Increase the bonus multiplier for all spells at tier 7 and above based on the amount of Holy Sites you own. All Dragon's Breath effects are increased based on the amount of Holy Sites you own.

Formula: (0.6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is amount of Holy Sites owned.

Angelic Fortitude Angelic Fortitude

Cost: 10 Spvg (1e85) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Angels Union

Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the sum of all your spells' activity time this R.

Formula: (0.035 * x ^ 0.65), where x is seconds in current spells)

Seraphim Feathers Seraphim Feathers

Cost: 10 Dtg (1e00) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Angels Union

Effect: Increase mana regeneration by 60%.


Zombie Apocalypse Zombie Apocalypse

Cost: 10 Spvg (1e85) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Undead Union

Effect: Gain assistants based on the total amount of time spent offline. (This R)

Formula: (0.7 * x ^ 0.7), where x is offline time this R.

Eternal Servitude Eternal Servitude

Cost: 10 Dtg (1e00) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Undead Union

Effect: Increase base production of Undercity by +10000, then increase this effect based on time spent this game.

Formula: (10000 + 25 * (x / 1800) ^ 2, where x is seconds


Titanic Authority Titanic Authority

Cost: 10 Spvg (1e85) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Titan Union

Effect: Increase the production of Unique Buildings based on the amount of Royal Exchanges you made.

Formula: (0.7 * x ^ 0.7), where x is amount of Royal Exchanges you made.

Colossus Kingdom Colossus Kingdom

Cost: 10 Dtg (1e00) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Titan Union

Effect: Additively gain assistants based on total time spent as Order.

Formula: (x ^ 0.7), where x is amount of Order time this R.


Pheromones Pheromones

Cost: 10 Spvg (1e85) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Fairies Union

Effect: Gain assistants based on time spent affiliated with Fairies. (All time)

Formula: (0.7 * x ^ 0.7), where x is time spent affiliated with Fairies. (All time)

Dream Catchers Dream Catchers

Cost: 10 Dtg (1e00) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Fairies Union

Effect: Every 30 minutes, multiplicative increase mana regen by a random amount. (starts at 0% on a new run)


Demonic Fury Demonic Fury

Cost: 10 Spvg (1e85) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Demons Union

Effect: Increase production of all buildings based on least time spent between Evil and Chaos this R.

Formula: (0.12 * min(x, y) ^ 0.7, where x is evil time in seconds and y is chaos time in seconds.

Devastation Devastation

Cost: 10 Dtg (1e00) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Demons Union

Effect: Increase production of three highest building tiers based on mana regen.

Formula: (0.35 * x ^ 0.65), where x is mana regen.


Forbidden Language Forbidden Language

Cost: 10 Spvg (1e85) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Faceless Union

Effect: Increase spell durations based on the amount of Reincarnations made.

Formula: (X)

Dimension Door Dimension Door

Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Faceless Union

Effect: Increase Unique Building production based on highest max mana this reincarnation.

Formula: (0.013 * x ^ 0.7), where x is highest max mana this R.


Wooden Dices Wooden Dice

Cost: 1 Nod (1e60) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Elven Union

Effect: Increase Elven Luck chance to activate and its effects based on the amount of Arboreal Cities you own.

Elven Luck Formula: X ^ 0.3, where x is Arboreal Cities count.

Production Formula: (7 * x ^ 0.7), where x is Arboreal Cities count.

Faction Coin Formula: (1.5 * x ^ 0.7), where x is Arboreal Cities count.

Camouflage Camouflage

Cost: 10 Spvg (1e85) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Elven Union

Effect: Assistants count 1000% more for all purposes and increase assistant production based on assistant amount.

Formula: (0.68 * x ^ 0.68)

Note: Applies to formulas that use Assistant count, but not actual assistants.

Elven Discipline Elven Discipline

Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Elven Union

Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on the amount of Faction Coins found in this game.

Formula: (ln(x))


Money is Magic Money is Magic

Cost: 10 Spvg (1e85) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Goblins Union

Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on the amount of Tax Collections cast in this game.

Formula: (2 * (ln(x) ^ 1.2)), where x is amount of Tax Collections cast.

Lousy Architecture Lousy Architecture

Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Goblins Union

Effect: Reduce Non-Unique buildings cost multiplier.

Formula: (-0.02)


Lunar Cycle Lunar Cycle

Cost: 10 Spvg (1e85) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Druids Union

Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the difference between time spent online and offline in this game. Maximum bonus is granted for the smallest difference.

Formula: (x + y) ^ 0.65) * (1 / abs(x - y) ^ 0.25), where x is online time in seconds and y is offline time in seconds.

Grove Farming Grove Farming

Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100) Emerald Coins

Requirement: Druids Union

Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on their tier. Lower tiers get better bonuses.

Formula: (10 * (11 - T) ^ 3), where T is building tier.

| Resources | Soft Resets | Buildings | Heritages | Bloodlines | Spells | Excavations | Challenges | Upgrades | Trophies | Factions | Research |

| Merc Builds | Research Builds | Prestige Builds | Dragon Unlock | Neutral Prestige Builds | Research Tree |

| Vanilla Factions | Good Factions | Evil Factions | Neutral Factions | Prestige Factions | A2 Elite Factions |

| Events | Latest Major Patch | Changelog | Notation | Terminology | Tools | Kongregate Links |

| Fairy | Elven | Angel | Goblin | Undead | Demon | Titan | Druid | Faceless |

| Mercenary | Dwarf | Drow | Dragon | Archon | Djinn | Makers |

Contact me G00FBALL

Thank You!!! for all your help.





Aaron Cook






























































Da Banana Man






























































































Lead Luigi









lvl 1 crook










Max Schradin


















Neutral Potato

























primal cradily

















Rustle Crowe





Sas Assassin







Sho Phaune









Space Troll






Stoner Claff

Sum Yung Gai










Teabagger Vance





The Homa




















waga baba bobo
































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