In-game description
Alignment: Order
Unlock Requirements: First, Second, and Third Iron Fragments
First Iron Fragment
Clue: This one seems to require a lot of magical renewance.
Description: It looks like a piece of an iron object. It's broken off on two sides.
Requirements: R125+, 12,500+ Excavations, Play as Angel
Chance: (log10(1 + x) ^ 3 / 100,000)%, where x is Mana Regeneration.
Second Iron Fragment
Clue: Found via extensive Royal Trading mandates.
Description: It looks like a piece of an iron object. It's broken off on two sides.
Requirements: R125+, 12,500+ Excavations, Play as Titan
Chance: (x ^ 3 / 5,000,000,000 (5 B))%, where x is royal exchange bonus.
Third Iron Fragment
Clue: Chances to find increase while not actively searching.
Description: It looks like a piece of an iron object. It's broken off on two sides.
Requirements: R125+, 12,500+ Excavations, Play as Undead
Chance: ((log10(1 + x) - 2) ^ 3 / 500,000)%, where x is offline bonus.
Archon Mask
Requirement: Find all 3 Iron Fragments.
Cost: 10 Dqag (1e130)
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance by 500%.
Archon Quest
Requirement: R125+, Collect all 3 Iron Fragments and accumulate 1 day of Temporal Flux activity time in this Reincarnation.
Cost: 1 Ocqag (1e147)
Effect: Unlocks Archon Faction
Faction spell
Cost: 123,456 Mana - Duration: 60 seconds
Effect: Buildings, Assistants, Royal Exchanges, Spells cast and Clicks count more based on Mana produced in this game.
Formula: (ln(1 + x) ^ 1.25)%, where x is Mana produced in this game.
Note: Formula Improved to (1.25 * ln(1 + x) ^ 1.5)% with AR2.
Spell Trophy & Upgrade
Chrono Loading
Requirement: Cast Precognition with at least 100 Qa (1e17) Mana Regeneration.
Note: Precognition raises regen itself. Make sure that you have 100 Qa (1e17) before being cast.
Cost: 10 Octg (1e118), A3+ Free
Effect: A fraction of Precognition's duration is added to time spent in this game.
Formula: (100 * ln(1 + x / 60) ^ 2.5), where x is its duration.
Note: Elite Faction Upgrades can only be purchased with Mercenary Upgrade 4, 8, 12 and 16.
Note: Elite spells can only be bought from the Mercenary Sorcery contract.
Tier 1 Upgrades
Archon Trade Treaty
Description: The Archon value loyalty and any systematic and efficient plan of action. Affiliating with them will increase your ability to boost your production immensely over long periods of time.
Requirements: Vanilla and Prestige Union
Cost: 1 Oc (1e27) Angel and Undead Coins
Effect: Unlocks Archon Upgrades
Star Trading
Cost: 1 NoQag (1e150)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the maximum amount of Royal Exchanges you made in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (0.9 * x)%, where x is the highest amount of Royal Exchanges made in this Reincarnation.
Energy Recharge
Cost: 10 NoQag (1e151)
Effect: Maximum Mana counts more based on the amount of time spent as Order in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (0.25 * x ^ 0.5)%, where x is time spent as Order this Reincarnation
Effect: Also increase Precognition base, scaling, and changes its starting duration to 5 minutes.
Precognition Formula: (1.25 * ln(1 + x) ^ 1.5)%, where x is Mana produced in this game.
Cosmic Resonance
Cost: 100 NoQag (1e152)
Effect: Increase Royal Exchange bonus based on clicks made in this Reincarnation.
Formula: +(0.5 * x ^ 0.5)%, where x is clicks made this Reincarnation.
Tier 2 Upgrades
Archon Friendship Pact
Cost: 1 No (1e30) Angel and Undead Coins
Effect: Unlocks Archon Upgrades
Cost: 100 UQig (1e158)
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Mana Regeneration based on the amount of Unique Buildings owned.
Formula: (0.5 * x ^ 0.5)%, where x is Unique Buildings.
Archon Pride
Cost: 1 DQig (1e159)
Effect: Multiplicatively increase assistants based on your current Lineage level.
Formula: (x)%, where x is your current Lineage level.
Cost: 10 DQig (1e160)
Effect: Increase Offline bonus based on Excavation Resets made in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (30 + 3 * (x + y) ^ 3)%, where x and y are free and ruby excavation resets done in this Reincarnation.
Tier 3 Upgrades
Archon Alliance
Cost: 1 Dc (1e33) Angel and Undead Coins
Effect: Unlocks Archon Upgrades
Superior Consciousness
Cost: 10 TQig (1e163)
Effect: Increase the production of Unique buildings based on their quantity.
Formula: (x)%, where x is Unique Buildings.
Strange Attraction
Cost: 100 TQig (1e164)
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance based on the activity time of your least used spell.
Formula: (100 + 0.8 * x ^ 0.8)%, where x is spell with least activity time this Reincarnation.
Arcane Core
Cost: 1 QaQig (1e165)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on mana produced in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (2.5 * log10(1 + x) ^ 2.5)%, where x is mana produced in this Reincarnation.
Archon Heritage
Requirements: Archon Champion Trophy
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Angel and Undead Coins
Effect: Buildings, Assistants, Royal Exchanges, Spells cast and Clicks count more, by 10%.
Nexus Quest
Description: Hassar, Ruler. Our kind wants to establish better communications with you. Please build more Wizard Towers/Witch Conclaves/Alchemist Labs to convert.
Requirements: R130+, Buy 25,000 Wizard Towers/Witch Conclaves/Alchemist Labs.
Cost: 1 QaQig (1e165)
Unique Building Upgrade
Requirements: Nexus Quest.
Cost: 1 QiQig (1e168)
Effect: Gives Nexus Unique Building.
Unique Building
Upgrade Wizard Towers/Witch Conclaves/Alchemist Labs to Nexuses, boosting their production based on time spent as Order and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (80 * x ^ 0.8)%, where x is time spent as Order this Reincarnation.
Requirement: Nexus Quest.
Effect: Grants access to Faction Union.
Tier 4 Upgrades
Archon Union
Requirements: Nexus Unique Building
Cost: 1 Dd (1e39) Angel and Undead Coins
Effect: Grants access to Union Upgrades.
Effect: Temporal Flux also increases Maximum Mana.
Formula: (0.35 * (x / 60) ^ 0.825)%, where x is time spent in this game.
Purity of Form
Requirements: Archon Union
Cost: 100 QiQig (1e170)
Effect: Lineage levels count 200% more for all purposes.
Absolute Hierarchy
Requirements: Archon Union
Cost: 1 SxQig (1e171)
Effect: Remove 1 Ascension Penalty from Call to Arms.
Essence Extractor
Requirements: Archon Union
Cost: 10 SxQig (1e172)
Effect: Multiplicatively increase production bonus from Gems based on the duration of your longest spell.
Formula: (0.15 * x ^ 0.7)%, where x is the duration of your longest spell.
| Resources | Soft Resets | Buildings | Heritages | Bloodlines
| Spells | Excavations | Challenges | Upgrades | Trophies
| Factions | Research |
| Merc Builds | Research Builds | Prestige Builds | Dragon Unlock | Neutral Prestige Builds | Research Tree | | Vanilla Factions | Good Factions | Evil Factions | Neutral Factions | Prestige Factions | A2 Elite Factions | | Events | Latest Major Patch | Changelog | Notation | Terminology | Tools | Kongregate Links || Fairy | Elven | Angel | Goblin | Undead | Demon | Titan | Druid | Faceless | | Mercenary | Dwarf | Drow | Dragon | Archon | Djinn | Makers | |
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