Global Reminder: The Easter Event will be starting on Apr 09th 2020, 12.01 PM UTC and will end on Apr 16th 2020, 6.59 PM UTC.
Forbidden Research branch now correctly adds to the Research Points stat.
Rough Stone Artifact now correctly requires the Survey Equipment upgrade.
Hard Reset now correctly resets spell timers and all stats.
Stats panel layout improved.
Mana Bar colors, Share Benefits tier pictures, tooltips, and various other minor issues have been fixed.
Global Reminder: The Valentine Event will be starting on Feb 12th 2020, 1.01 PM UTC and will end on Feb 16th 2020, 7.59 PM UTC.
ADDED: A NEW VALENTINE FEAT, unlocking new cosmetic options.
Fixed: Heart per second production rate for Valentine.
Fixed: several event tooltips regarding stack sizes.
Fixed: Autocast tutorials locking game progress.
ADDED: graphics for later Share Benefits tiers.
Fixed: S180 unlock
Fixed: W5375 formula, was a direct multiplier rather than a percentage multiplier.
Fixed: Stats panel layout (Mobile)
Fixed: Spell tutorial not advancing when using hotkeys
Fixed: Research branches in Ascension 2 now show the correct amount of slots.
Added: Spiritual Surge and Catalyst in the Magic section of the Stats panel.
Added: Spell Tier levels are now visible in the spells tooltips.
Added: Lineage levels are now shown in the Stats panel.
Added: NEW REINCARNATION POWER at Reincarnation 150
Effect: Unique Buildings count more for Call to Arms purposes based on Reincarnations made.
Formula: (buildings * R)
Fixed: Rough Stone artifact, Unlock chance and unlock requirements.
Fixed: Mercenary now count their Tax Collection alternatives as faction spells, for the purpose of several upgrades' formulas.
Changed: Buy10000 is no longer available in Ascension 0.
Fixed: Drow Challenge 1: (Organized Crime)
Now requires Honor Among Killers purchased, as intended.
Mercenary Set
Old Effect: Lineage levels count 50% more.
New Effect: Lineage levels count 25% more.
Archon Lineage
Old Effect: Increase Faction Coin find chance multiplicatively by 25% per level.
New Effect: Increase Faction Coin find chance multiplicatively by 20% per level.
Archon Challenge 4: (Time Merge)
Effect: Increase Unique Building production based on time spent in this game.
Old Formula: (3.5 * log10(1 + x) ^ 3.5), where x is time spent in this game.
New Formula: (8 * log10(1 + x) ^ 4), where x is time spent in this game.
Djinn Challenge 4: (Worldly Desires)
Old Challenge: Have a spell duration of at least 1 year (365 Days).
New Challenge: Have a spell duration of at least 275 Days.
Old Effect: Multiplicatively increase Assistants, production bonus from Gems and Maximum Mana by 8%, 88% and 888%, targets chosen randomly and refreshing every 88 seconds.
New Effect: Multiplicatively increase Assistants, production bonus from Gems and Maximum Mana by 88%, 88% and 888%, targets chosen randomly and refreshing every 88 seconds.
Spellcraft 5125: (Spilling)
Effect: Increase the production of buildings affected by at least 3 spells based on Mana Produced.
Old Formula: (2.5 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2.5), where x is mana produced (This Game)
New Formula: (2 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2), where x is mana produced (This Game)
Craftsmanship 5125: (Restauration)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on assistants owned.
Old Formula: (0.75 * x ^ 0.25), where x is assistants owned.
New Formula: (0.5 * x ^ 0.25), where x is assistants owned.
Craftsmanship 5375: (Manufacture)
Effect: Increase Faction Coin Find Chance additively and multiplicatively based on Clicks made in this game.
Old Additive Formula: (6.5 * x ^ 0.65), where x is clicks in this game.
New Additive Formula: (6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is clicks in this game.
Craftsmanship 5625: (Discovery)
Effect: Trophies and Artifacts count more based on excavations, including resets made in this game.
Old Formula: (0.5 * (x * (y + 1)) ^ 0.5), where x is excavations (This R) and y is excavation resets (This Game).
New Formula: (0.25 * (x * (y + 1)) ^ 0.5), where x is excavations (This R) and y is excavation resets (This Game).
Divine 5875: (Birthright)
Old Effect: Gain the Bloodline effects of your most used non-mercenary faction. Based on time (This R), can give any vanilla, prestige or elite bloodline
New Effect: Gain the Bloodline effects of your least used non-mercenary faction. Based on time (This R), can give any vanilla, prestige or elite bloodline
Economics 5875: (Prosperity)
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance based on your faction spell activity in this game.
Old Formula: (0.5 * x ^ 0.5), where x is your least used faction spell (This game)
New Formula: (0.4 * x ^ 0.4), where x is your least used faction spell (This game)
Forbidden 6000: (Inevitability)
Effect: Increase your next time head start based on time spent in this game.
Headstart is now capped at time spent in your current Reincarnation.
No longer gives double time in this Reincarnation.
No longer provides a headstart when Reincarnating.
Share Benefits
Tier 41 and above cost x4/x2.25 (with S1275) instead of x2/x1.5 (with S1275)
Added: Added a new Christmas feat and upgrade.
Check Event page once event starts.
Changed A3 Only: Research now has a budget system: Each branch is given a 3500 budget, and now research cost their number to buy.
Changed: Faction Research in A3 is no longer free.
Changed: Research Points cap increased to 7000 starting from A3-R175+.
Formula: Tiers FC cost for A3+ increased to (10 * (x + 1) ^ 10), where x is fc cost.
New Artifacts
Forgotten Relic
Clue: Research it!
Description: Intricate leylines of mana cover the surface of this stone, moving and flailing endlessly to create ever-different patterns.
Requirement: R175+
Chance: (x ^ 2 / 100000000000), where x is spent Research points.
Effect: Unlocks Research Facility upgrades
Note: Each Facility needs their respective artifact and this artifact to get their respective upgrade.
Clue: Be different.
Description: The source of everything. Can fit in the average pocket.
Requirement: R175, Mercenary, 15 different faction upgrades.
Chance: 0.1%
Effect: Gives upgrade with same name
Upgrade Effect: Unlocks new Research Facility
Upgrade Cost: 1 Qatg (1e105), 100 Qid (1e50) Dwarven and Drow Coins
Upgrade Description: Take advantage of the most ancient and secret arts to empower your production beyonds known limits.
Upgrade Description: Unlock the Forbidden research facility and increase Mercenary production by 100%, plus an additional bonus based on Forbidden research point. These upgrades will persist through abdications and reincarnations, providing a permanent bonus to all factions affected.
Upgrade Cost: 1 Qatg (1e105), 100 Qid (1e50) Dwarven and Drow Coins
Note: Upgrade only needs to be bought once.
Forbidden (New Facility)
Requirement: Forgotten Relic, Apeiron artifact and upgrade.
Effect: Increase Mercenary production based on Forbidden research points. (Not A nerfed)
Mana Loom
Clue: Attracted by amassed mana reserves.
Description: Used to weave even the thinnest mana strings.
Requirement: R175, Chaos Alignment
Chance: (log10(x) ^ 3 / 50000), where x is mana produced (This Game)
Effect: Gives upgrade with same name
Upgrade Requirement: Forgotten Relic, Mana Loom artifact and upgrade.
Upgrade Effect: Expands the Spellcraft research facility, permanently increasing Spellcraft budget by 2500.
Upgrade Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100), 1 Qid (1e48) Fairy Coins
Note: Upgrade only needs to be bought once.
Clue: Dig it manually.
Description: Mass-production is the way to go.
Requirement: R175, True Neutral Alignment
Chance: (log10(x) ^ 3 / 10000), where x is clicks (This Game)
Effect: Gives upgrade with same name
Upgrade Requirement: Forgotten Relic, Factory artifact and upgrade.
Upgrade Effect: Expands the Craftsmanship research facility, permanently increasing Craftsmanship budget by 2500.
Upgrade Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100), 1 Qid (1e48) Elven Coins
Note: Upgrade only needs to be bought once.
Clue: Spells get sad when not used for a long time.
Description: Accurate historical list of every existing or non-existing deity.
Requirement: R175, Good Alignment
Chance: (x / 4320000), where x is minimum spell activity time. (This Reincarnation)
Effect: Gives upgrade with same name
Upgrade Requirement: Forgotten Relic, Mythos artifact and upgrade.
Upgrade Effect: Expands the Divine research facility, permanently increasing Divine budget by 2500.
Upgrade Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100), 1 Qid (1e48) Angel Coins
Note: Upgrade only needs to be bought once.
Clue: Show your prowess as a Royal Trader.
Description: Never a place could be more secure.
Requirement: R175, Balance Alignment
Chance: (x / 100000000), where x is Royal Exchange Bonus.
Effect: Gives upgrade with same name
Upgrade Requirement: Forgotten Relic, Vault artifact and upgrade.
Upgrade Effect: Expands the Economics research facility, permanently increasing Economics budget by 2500.
Upgrade Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100), 1 Qid (1e48) Goblin Coins
Note: Upgrade only needs to be bought once.
Clue: Archemy.
Description: The legendary oven that could smelt souls into matter.
Requirement: R175, Order Alignment
Chance: (x / 1000000), where x is Alchemy Research Points.
Effect: Gives upgrade with same name
Upgrade Requirement: Forgotten Relic, Athanor artifact and upgrade.
Upgrade Effect: Expands the Alchemy research facility, permanently increasing Alchemy budget by 2500.
Upgrade Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100), 1 Qid (1e48) Undead Coins
Note: Upgrade only needs to be bought once.
Clue: Would you think an army is enough to excavate this?
Description: An extremely accurate replica of a battle fought long ago.
Requirement: R175, Evil Alignment
Chance: (log10(x) ^ 3 / 20000), where x is the number of Assistants. (base and temporary, not invisible)
Effect: Gives upgrade with same name
Upgrade Requirement: Forgotten Relic, Battlefield artifact and upgrade.
Upgrade Effect: Expands the Warfare research facility, permanently increasing Warfare budget by 2500.
Upgrade Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100), 1 Qid (1e48) Demon Coins
Note: Upgrade only needs to be bought once.
New Researches
S5125: For all Factions
Research Name: Spilling
Effect: Increase the production of buildings affected by at least 3 spells based on Mana Produced.
Formula: (2.5 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2.5), where x is mana produced (This Game)
S5375: For Chaos
Research Name: Invocation
Effect: Increase Maximum Mana additively and multiplicatively based on the activity time of your least used spell.
Additive: (1000 + 80 * x ^ 0.8), where x is spell activity time in seconds.
Multiplicative: (0.6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is spell activity time in seconds.
S5625: For all Factions
Research Name: Leylines
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Mana Regeneration based on assistants owned.
Formula: (0.65 * x ^ 0.35), where x is assistants
S5875: For all Factions
Research Name: Mirrors
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Assistants based on Spell casts in this game.
Formula: (ln(x) ^ 1.85), where x is spell casts this game
C5125: For all Factions
Research Name: Restaurantian
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on assistants owned.
Formula: (0.75 * x ^ 0.25), where x is assistants owned
C5375: For Neutral
Research Name: Manufacture
Effect: Increase Faction Coin Find Chance additively and multiplicatively based on Clicks made in this game.
Additive: (6.5 * x ^ 0.65), where x is clicks in this game
Multiplicative: (x ^ 0.35), where x is clicks in this game
C5625: For all Factions
Research Name: Discovery
Effect: Trophies and Artifacts Count more based on excavation and excavation resets in this game.
Formula: (0.5 * (x * (y + 1)) ^ 0.5), where x is excavations (This R) and y is excavation resets (This Game)
C5875: For all Factions
Research Name: Genuineness
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Maximum Mana based on lowest Lineage level.
Formula: (50 + 1.5 * x ^ 0.95), where x is the lowest lineage
D5125: For all Factions
Research Name: Selection
Effect: Increase the production of Unique buildings based on Clicks in this game.
Formula: (x ^ 0.4), where x is clicks this game
D5375: For Good
Research Name: Zealotry
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Mana Regeneration based on Royal Exchanges purchased in this game.
Formula: (0.75 * x ^ 0.75), where x is royal exchanges this game
D5625: For all Factions
Research Name: Prophecy
Effect: Empowers the effects of your faction's Set based on time spent with your least used faction. Lineage levels count more, by the same amount, for your faction’s Advanced Heritage.
Formulas: (0.3 * x ^ 0.7), where x is your least spent faction time
D5875: For all Factions
Research Name: Birthright
Effect: Gain the Bloodline effects of your most used non-mercenary faction.
Note: Based on time (This R), can give any vanilla, prestige or elite bloodline
E5125: For all Factions
Research Name: Decentralization
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of buildings you own. Lower tiers get better bonuses.
Formula: ((6 - 0.5 * T) ^ 2 * x ^ 0.85), where T is building tier and x is the number of (every) buildings you own
E5375: For Balance
Research Name: Whipround
Effect: Increase Royal Exchange bonus additively and multiplicatively based on Tax Collections cast in this game.
Additive: (x ^ 0.2), where x is tax collections (This game)
Multiplicative: (0.85 * x ^ 0.15), where x is tax collections (This game)
E5625: For all Factions
Research Name: Loan Sharking
Effect: Tax Collection is worth more based on Gold owned.
Formula: (log10(1 + x) ^ 1.8), where x is your current gold
E5875: For all Factions
Research Name: Prosperity
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance based on your faction spell activity in this game.
Formula: (0.5 * x ^ 0.5), where x is the sum of your faction spells’ activity time (This game)
Note: Only checks the base faction spell of your faction(s). On mercs, scales off Share Benefits and the two chosen Faction Spells.
A5125: For all Factions
Research Name: Putrefaction
Effect: Increase the production of Non-Unique buildings based on the longest time spent without abdicating in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (x ^ 0.75), where x is the longest time spent without abdicating (This R, can also be This Game)
A5375: For Order
Research Name: Albedo
Effect: Increase all spells duration based on spell casts in this game.
Formula: (ln(x) ^ 1.85), where x is spell casts this game
A5625: For all Factions
Research Name: Reduction
Effect: Reduce all spells cost based on their individual duration.
Formula: Additive reduction: ((x/y) ^ 0.65), where x is duration and y is base duration.
A5875: For all Factions
Research Name: Equivalence
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Royal Exchange bonus based on Faction Coin found in this game.
Formula: (log10(x) ^ 1.5), where x is faction coins this game
W5125: For all Factions
Research Name: Sovereignty
Effect: Increase the production of two highest tier buildings based on assistants you own.
Formula: (x ^ 0.3), where x is assistants
W5375: For Evil
Research Name: Officers
Effect: Gain assistants multiplicatively based on amount of trophies unlocked.
Formula: (2.5 * x ^ 0.5), where x is trophies
W5625: For all Factions
Research Name: Concealment
Effect: Offline time counts more based on Mana Produced in this game.
Formula: (2.5 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2.5), where x is mana produced (This game)
W5875: For all Factions
Research Name: Patience
Effect: Time spent with Prestige Counts 500% more. Time spent with Elite factions Counts 1000% more.
F5250: For all Factions
Research Name: Dreamwalking
Effect: Increase Offline Bonus based on time spent offline in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (0.7 * x ^ 0.7), where x is offline time (This R)
F5500: For all Factions
Research Name: Gathering
Effect: Additively increase production bonus from Gems based on your Faction Coin find chance.
Formula: (2.5 * log10(1 + x) ^ 2.5), where x is faction coin find chance
F5750: For all Factions
Research Name: Corruption
Effect: Gain the base Union effect of your opposite Alignment.
Note: Neutral and Balance don’t have opposites so they stay the same
F6000: For all Factions
Research Name: Inevitability
Effect: Increase your next time head start based on time spent in this game.
Formula: (x ^ 0.75), where x is time spent (This Game)
New Secret Trophy
True Harlequin
Requirement: As a Mercenary, purchase one upgrade from 15 different factions.
Effect: Gives Upgrade with same name.
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of different factions involved in your Mercenary upgrades.
Formula: (x ^ 3), where x is different upgrades from different factions (up to 3375% maximum possible).
Cost: 1e152 (100 Noqag)
God's Fingers
Now a Secret Trophy.
Old Requirement: Reach 700 M (7e8) automatic clicks in this Reincarnation.
New Requirement: Reach 100 M (1e8) automatic clicks in this Reincarnation.
Old Effect: None
New Effect: Gives Upgrade with same name.
Effect: Clicks count 100% more and autoclicks 5 times per second.
Cost: 200 QiSxg (2e200), A1+ Free
Changed Research
E400 - Conversion
Effect: Increase production bonus from Gems based on your Royal Exchange bonus.
Old Formula: floor(x ^ 0.95), where x is your Royal Exchange Bonus.
New Formula: (0.85 * floor(x ^ 0.85)), where x is your Royal Exchange Bonus.
E1425 - Rarity
Old Requirement: 7 days playtime each with Titan, Druid and Faceless, Research A545, C1300
New Requirement: 5 days playtime each with Titan, Druid and Faceless, Research A545, C1300
Changed Challenges
Archon Challenge 2
Effect: Multiplicatively increase assistants based on Offline Bonus.
Old Formula: (1.75 * log10(1 + x) ^ 1.75), where x is offline bonus multiplier
New Formula: (2 * log10(1 + x) ^ 1.75), where x is offline bonus multiplier
Archon Challenge 3
Effect: Reduce Royal Exchange cost multiplier by -0.02 and increase Royal Exchange bonus by 100%.
Effect: Multiplicatively increase time spent in this game based on Royal Exchanges bought.
Old Formula: (2.5 * ln(1 + x) ^ 1.25), where x is Royal Exchanges bought.
New Formula: (3 * ln(x) ^ 1.3), where x is Royal Exchanges bought.
Archon Challenge 5
Old Challenge: Have a Precognition duration of at least 1 day, with a minimum of 390% bonus.
New Challenge: Have a Precognition duration of at least 1 day, with a minimum of 350% bonus.
Djinn Challenge 2
Effect: Limited Wish casts count more based on Hellfire Blast casts in this game.
Old Formula: Multiplicative: (0.8 * x ^ 0.8), where x is Hellfire Blast casts (this game).
New Formula: Multiplicative: (0.78 * x ^ 0.78), where x is Hellfire Blast casts (this game).
Effect: Each time you cast an Evil spell, you gain additional casts equal to the amount of trophies you have.
Old Formula: Additive: (x ^ 0.7), where x is number of trophies. Applies only for real evil spells, adds casts directly to the spell’s casts.
New Formula: Additive: (x ^ 0.65), where x is number of trophies. Applies only for real evil spells, adds casts directly to the spell’s casts.
Djinn Challenge 3
Old Effect: Makes Limited Wish scale faster based on Research Points used in this game.
New Effect: Increase the minimum value on which Limited Wish is based.
New Formula: (0.1 * x ^ 0.9), where x is research points spent.
Demon Perk 2
Old Challenge: 5 days of HFB activity time (This R).
New Challenge: 2 days of HFB activity time (This R).
Makers Challenge 2
Effect: Production bonus from Gems is increased multiplicatively based on Tax Collections cast in this game.
Old Formula: (0.7 * ln(1 + x) ^ 1.7), where x is number of Tax Collections. (This game)
New Formula: (ln(x) ^ 2), where x is number of Tax Collections. (This game)
Makers Challenge 3
Effect: Assistants and Maximum Mana Infinite Spiral effects are also increased by Mana Regeneration.
Old Formula: (12.5 * (ln(1 + x * y) ^ 1.25), where x is max mana, y is mana regeneration.
New Formula: (12.5 * (ln(1 + x * y) ^ 1.3), where x is max mana, y is mana regeneration
Changed Artifact Sets
Fairy Set
Effect: Increase Farm, Inn and Blacksmith production based on number of assistants owned.
Old Formula: (0.65 * x ^ 0.65), where x is number of assistants owned.
New Formula: (x ^ 0.7), where x is number of assistants owned.
Elf Set
Old Effect: Increase all building production based on total amount of Elven Lucks triggered (This R)(since unlock).
New Effect: Increase clicking reward based on the total amount of Elven Luck effects triggered.
Formula: (6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is amount of Elven Lucks triggered.
New Effect: Also autoclicks 10 times per second.(Affected by artifact set buffs)
Angel Set
Effect: Additively increase Mana Regeneration based on highest amount of spells cast in a single game.
Old Formula: (3 * x ^ 0.3), where x is spells cast in a single game.
New Formula: (3.5 * x ^ 0.35), where x is spells cast in a single game.
Dragon Set
Effect: Increase the duration of all spells based on spells cast in this Reincarnation.
Old Formula: (1.5 * ln(1 + x) ^ 1.5), where x is spells cast in this Reincarnation.
New Formula: (1.75 * ln(x) ^1.25), where x is spells cast in this Reincarnation.
Mercenary Set
Effect: Lineage levels count 100% more.
Effect: Lineage levels count 50% more.
Changed Faction Upgrades
Camouflage (EL11)
Old Effect: Assistants and Clicks count 1,500% more for all purposes and increase assistant production based on assistant amount.
Old Formula: (0.75 * x ^ 0.75), where x is assistant count.
New Effect: Assistants and Clicks count 1,000% more for all purposes and increase assistant production based on assistant amount.
New Formula: (0.7 * x ^ 0.7), where x is assistant count.
Flesh Servants (Undead 10)
Effect: Increase assistants based on the amount of Flesh Workshops you own.
Old Formula: (1.25 * x ^ 0.7), where x is amount of Flesh Workshop owned.
New Formula: (1.25 * x ^ 0.75), where x is amount of Flesh Workshop owned.
Zombie Apocalypse (Undead 11)
Effect: Gain assistants based on the total amount of time spent offline. (This R)
Old Formula: (15 * x ^ 0.85), where x is offline time this R.
New Formula: (20 * x ^ 0.9), where x is offline time this R.
Changed Faction Unions
Fairy Union
Effect: Increase assistant production based on amount of Enchanted Fields, Inns and Blacksmiths if building count is even, or all other buildings if building count is odd.
Old Even Formula: (15 * x ^ 0.5), where x is Enchanted Fields, Inns and Blacksmiths (If building count is even)
Old Odd Formula: (15 * x ^ 0.5), where x is T4-T11 Buildings (If building count is odd)
New Even Formula: (6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is Enchanted Fields, Inns and Blacksmiths (If building count is even)
New Odd Formula: (6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is T4-T11 Buildings (If building count is odd)
Undead Union
Effect: Increase the production of Unique Buildings based on your Offline Bonus.
Old Formula: (75 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2.25), where x is offline bonus multiplier.
New Formula: (100 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2.25), where x is offline bonus multiplier.
Faceless Union
Effect: Increase assistants additively based on amount of time spent as a random faction. Updates every 3 minutes.
Old Formula: (55 * x ^ 0.55), where x is random faction all time in seconds.
New Formula: (60 * x ^ 0.6), where x is random faction all time in seconds.
Dwarven Chaos Union
Effect: Chaotically Multiplicatively increase assistant count based on spells cast this R.
Old Formula: (y = floor(log10(1 + x) + 1) / 10 + 2), for each digit of x, 2 * sum(mod(x, 10) ^ y) ^ 0.9
New Formula: (y = floor(log10(1 + x) + 1) / 10 + 2), for each digit of x, sum(mod(x, 10) ^ y) ^ 0.9
Dragon Union
Order Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on time spent as Order this R.
Old Formula: (6.5 * x ^ 0.65), where x is time spent as Order this R.
New Formula: (7 * x ^ 0.7), where x is time spent as Order this R.
Chaos Effect: Increase the production of Unique or Non-Unique buildings based on the amount of assistants you own. Target buildings depend on (ln(x)) where x is FC chance (even for Unique, odd for Non-Unique).
Old Formulas
Non-Unique: (25 * 0.6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is assistant count.
Unique: (0.6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is assistant count.
New Formula: (0.2 * x ^ 0.8), where x is assistant count.
Other Changes
Undead Unique Building
Flesh Workshop
Effect: Increase production based on mana regen.
Old Formula: (15 * x ^ 0.65), where x is mana regen per second.
New Formula: (35 * x ^ 0.65), where x is mana regen per second.
Archon Bloodline
New Effect: You can purchase additional researches based on their research points cost. This budget increases with time spent in this game.
New Formula: (500 + 0.1 * ln(1 + x) ^ 4), where x is this game in seconds.
Note: Only for A3, A2 will still keep the old effect.
Chrono Loading
Effect: A fraction of Precognition duration is added to time spent in this game.
Old Formula: (25 * x ^ 0.55), where x is Precognition duration.(seconds)
New Formula: (3600 + 60 * x ^ 0.4), where x is Precognition duration.(seconds)
Faceless Lineage
Effect: Increase the duration of all spells based on lineage level.
Old Formula: (x ^ 2.25)%, where x is lineage level.
New Formula: (x ^ 2)%, where x is lineage level.
Art of the Crow
Evil Effect: The amount increased is Based on production bonus from Gems.
Old Formula: (30 + 30 * x ^ 0.3), where x is production bonus from Gems.
New Formula: (50 + 30 * x ^ 0.3), where x is production bonus from Gems.
Art of the Crow
Neutral Effect: The amount increased is based on Royal Exchanges made.
Old Formula: (0.8 * x ^ 0.8), where x royal exchanges made.
New Formula: (x ^ 0.75), where x royal exchanges made.
MAD Unlocks
Old Requirement: 2 days this Game spell activity time
New Requirement: 2 days this Reincarnation spell activity time
Nonexistent Ruler
Old Cost: 10 Qig (1E154)
New Cost: 10 Spd (1E55)
Changed: Elven Bloodline, Elven Lineage, Elven Union, Elven Set, Craftsmanship 590 (Alloys) and Chocolate Egg now also generate offline clicks.
Changed: Spell costs now have a low cap at 1.
Changed: R60 bonus moved to R58.
Changed: Call to Arms now has a 25% starting bonus.
Changed: Tier 7 no longer visible in spell tooltip pre-A2
Changed: Increased Share Benefits tier cap to 99 in A3 only.
Changed: Share Benefits now keeps track and shows this game stats.
Changed: Lineage Container is now visible before purchasing a Bloodline. This should help planning for this game strategies without having to look out-game for information.
Fixed: Game no longer breaks with coin cap.
Mobile: Trophies now display a red dot when newly discovered. Dots disappear upon closing the trophy panel.
Added: R46 Dragon Quests timers
New Tutorials: Multibuy, Treaties, Free Treaty Description, Automatic Casting, Spell Tiers, Bloodline Selection, 2nd Ascension + Alignments, Lineages
Fixed: Many tooltips
| Resources | Soft Resets | Buildings | Heritages | Bloodlines
| Spells | Excavations | Challenges | Upgrades | Trophies
| Factions | Research |
| Merc Builds | Research Builds | Prestige Builds | Dragon Unlock | Neutral Prestige Builds | Research Tree | | Vanilla Factions | Good Factions | Evil Factions | Neutral Factions | Prestige Factions | A2 Elite Factions | | Events | Latest Major Patch | Changelog | Notation | Terminology | Tools | Kongregate Links || Fairy | Elven | Angel | Goblin | Undead | Demon | Titan | Druid | Faceless | | Mercenary | Dwarf | Drow | Dragon | Archon | Djinn | Makers | |
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